BC Transit Update: Ice and Snow conditions on the roads may impact the ability to provide planned Transit service. BC Transit apologizes for any inconveniences. Please refer to BCTransit.com or the UMO app for more information on service interruptions, route restrictions, suspensions, and cancellations.

qathet Regional District operates seven residential recycling depots in the region. Our newest facility, the Resource Recovery Centre, is now open at 4924 Marine Avenue.


Please sort your materials prior to arrival as this will ensure that all recyclables are deposited into the correct bins.


Texada Island Transfer Station

Only the following materials can be dropped off at the Texada Island Transfer Station at 6529 Shelter Point Road (turn left onto Shelter Point Road off of Gillies Bay Road at Shelter Point Park and follow the road towards Central Road for approximately 2 km – station is on the left hand side of the road) on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday and the 2nd and 4th Saturday each month from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

  • Scrap Metals (all vehicles and machinery must be free of fluids)
  • Fridges and Freezers (FREE)

Caretaker is Wade Chisholm at 604-344-0230.


Recycling in the City of Powell River

The City of Powell River does provide bi-weekly curbside recycling collection. Schedule details are available on the City’s website or to pick up a hard copy of the schedule and curbside guidelines please visit City Hall.


For more information, contact 604-485-8657 or send an email to opssecretary@powellriver.ca.


Need help finding out what waste goes where? You have options. Check out the Waste Wizard for information on where to drop off other specific recyclable items, or Recyclepedia. The Waste Wizard is a new tool for people to find out how to dispose of anything. Just type in what you need to dispose of and let the Waste Wizard tell you where to take it.


Get the free qathet Waste Wise app and never forget your pick-up day again.


This customizable app sends waste and recycling service reminders and alerts, notifies you about special collection events and offers access to the Waste Wizard search tool which helps users find out what waste items go where. To download the App to your iPhone or Android device, simply search “qathet Waste Wise” in the App Store or Google Play stores or click the links above.


You can also sign up below to get an email or phone call reminder for your curbside pick-up (City of Powell River residents only). By signing up, you will also receive notifications for service interruptions like snow days, depot closures, and solid waste events such as Trash Bash.