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Myrtle Pond Water System Current Restrictions:  STAGE 1

The qathet Regional District currently owns and operates one Residential Water System, the Myrtle Pond Water System. Much has been done to upgrade the Myrtle Pond Water System and extend its useful life. Old and dilapidated infrastructure has been replaced and meters with cross-connection prevention have been installed. A new water reservoir has been constructed and is now operational. A new treatment facility was built in 2014 and delivered and commissioned in January 2015. The system is governed by a Permit to Operate from Vancouver Coastal Health. For information on paying your fees, please go to the Utilities Accounts page.


Improvement Districts

Improvement Districts are small water systems, independently governed and operated on an individual basis by primarily volunteer run organizations. Improvement Districts are not run by the Regional District. These organizations were established by the Province of British Columbia and empowered to carry out the necessary administration and operation of the water system. The systems are tested by Vancouver Coastal Health and may be subject to further testing by the improvement district operator. To contact your Improvement District, check your water bill for contact information. If you don’t have access to a bill, talk to your neighbour.


You may also contact the Province of BC:


Private Water Systems

If you have a private well, maintenance and water testing is your responsibility. Problems with your well system should be referred to a professional technician or service provider.


Drinking Water Conservation Plan

The Drinking Water Conservation Plan (DWCP) is a region-wide policy developed with member jurisdictions and other stakeholders to manage the use of drinking water during periods of high demand, mostly during late spring to early fall, and during periods of water shortages and emergencies. The DWCP helps to ensure the collective needs for drinking water are met affordablly and sustainably now, and in the future. The DWCP applies only to member jurisdictions of the qRD and the use of drinking water from the qRD’s water system. Jurisdictions that are not members of the qRD are encouraged to follow the restrictions in the plan to help conserve drinking water and demonstrate leadership and consistency to water users across the region.


Myrtle Pond Water System Current Restrictions:  STAGE 2


User Responsibilities

Water system users can do a lot to help keep the water system in good working order. This will ensure the availability of adequate quantities of water for all users, extend the system’s useful life and delay the need for costly replacements.

  • Please call before you dig. In order to avoid damage to the system’s underground waterlines, we ask that you contact the regional district office before you dig anywhere around your home.
  • Read your meter. Take a reading at night before you go to bed and again first thing in the morning. If you have not used any water throughout the night, the readings should be identical. If they’re not, you may have a leak. A leaking toilet can waste more than 400 litres of water each day, and may not be obvious. To check for leaks, put a few drops of dark food colouring into your toilet tank. If, without flushing, the colour begins to appear in the bowl after 15-20 minutes, you have a leak. The most likely cause is a worn or ill-fitted flapper valve which is easily replaced.
Myrtle Pond Water System Contact Information

Location: 3164 Bradford Road, Powell River, BC

For general inquiries or to report a problem with the system contact our System Operator, Courtney Robertson at 604-483-1410 (cell).


For technical information, requirements for new service connections or water regulations contact Operational Services at 604-487-1380 or operations@qathet.ca.