BC Transit Update: Ice and Snow conditions on the roads may impact the ability to provide planned Transit service. BC Transit apologizes for any inconveniences. Please refer to BCTransit.com or the UMO app for more information on service interruptions, route restrictions, suspensions, and cancellations.
Andrew Fall – Electoral Area E Director
I have lived on Lasqueti Island since 2010, and have been active in the community since moving here. Prior to being elected as the Lasqueti Island Regional Director, I was president of the Lasqueti Community Association for six years, served on the Advisory Planning Commission, and served on the board of the Lasqueti Island Nature Conservancy. I have co-organized 10 annual Fall Fairs, which raise funds for the Lasqueti Island Community Hall.


I work as a consultant for strategic-scale land-use planning, and sustainable forest and wildlife stewardship projects, with contracts mainly from the Provincial government, and First Nations. I hold a PhD in Computing Science from Simon Fraser University (SFU), and am an adjunct professor at SFU in the Resource and Environmental Management faculty.


At my homestead on Lasqueti, my partner and I breed rare Soay sheep, which originate from the islands of St. Kilda, in Scotland. Lasqueti is an off-grid community, and my home is powered by sun, and water.



Electoral Area E covers all of Lasqueti Island and some small surrounding islands.