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Property owners in an electoral area can petition the regional district for service. The proposed service area may either be the whole electoral area or only a portion of it. The qathet Regional District also uses the formal petition process for neighbourhood zoning requests.


Those looking to petition are strongly encouraged to contact the qathet Regional District before commencing a petition and asked to remain in contact with the Corporate Officer throughout the process.


For a petition to be valid, it must be signed by owners of at least 50 per cent of the parcels that:

  • would be liable to pay for the proposed service that represents at least 50 per cent of the assessed value of land and improvements and;
  • that would be in the proposed service area.

The petition must also:

  • Describe the proposed service in general terms;
  • Define the boundaries of the proposed service area;
  • Indicate the proposed methods of cost recovery for the service; and
  • Contain other information that the regional district board may require.

If it is proposed that the regional district borrow for the purposes of providing the service, the petition must also indicate:

  • The relevant electoral participating area;
  • The purpose of the proposed borrowing;
  • The estimated amount of the proposed borrowing; and
  • The maximum term of the loan.

The qathet Regional District is not required to proceed with a service even if it receives a valid petition.


For questions and clarification regarding the petition process, please contact 604-485-2260 or email administration@qathet.ca. For additional information, please visit the Province of British Columbia.

Neighbourhood Zoning Requests

If your petition is in relation to neighbourhood zoning requests within the existing Regional Planning Service, the petition must follow the above criteria to ensure that a majority of the effected residents desire the increased regulatory provisions. Planning and Land Use Management regulations are outlined in Part 14 of the Local Government Act.


Signing a Petition


All affected property owners should be petitioned, but only those in favour will have to sign a petition.


In order to sign a petition:


  • you must be a registered property owner for an effected property within the proposed service area boundary.
  • If you are the owner of a business, society or incorporated body within the proposed service area, you can sign a petition and must provide proof of your signing authority (business registration, official meeting minutes etc.)
  • In cases of a discrepancy of owners on title, supporting documentation confirming the registered owner(s) on title is required.
Ready to start your petition?

Click here for the Regional District Petition Guide and Checklist

Click here for a Fillable Petition Template