BC Transit Update: Ice and Snow conditions on the roads may impact the ability to provide planned Transit service. BC Transit apologizes for any inconveniences. Please refer to BCTransit.com or the UMO app for more information on service interruptions, route restrictions, suspensions, and cancellations.
Electoral Area B

Covers the area southeast of the city boundary to Whalen Road and includes Paradise Valley and properties outside the city on Nootka, Covey and Tanner Streets, and excludes Tla’amin Nation lands.


“Area B is dedicated to a sustainable rural lifestyle where residents can enjoy the natural environment while encouraging thoughtful economic development and protecting agricultural and environmentally sensitive lands and resources.”

Electoral Area B Official Community Plan Vision Statement


Official Community Plan bylaws set out a long-term vision for a community and establish community goals, objectives and policies for achieving that vision. An Official Community Plan bylaw provides a policy framework to guide land use and development decision making of the regional district, other government agencies, businesses and land owners.


Zoning bylaws are a planning tool for implementing an official community plan and regulating land use.


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